Category: Uncategorized

  • Volume 33 (2023)

    OBITUARIES In memoriam Joseph Goering (1947–2023)In memoriam Jacqueline Hamesse (1942–2023) ARTICLES JUSTIN STOVER and GEORGE WOUDHUYSENEinhard and the “Historia Augusta” THOMAS C. SAWYER and PAUL VINHAGEMichael of Cornwall’s First Invective...

  • Volume 32 (2022)

    ARTICLES BRIAN BRENNAN Episcopal Politics in Sixth-Century Bordeaux: Fortunatus’s Hymnus de Leontio episcopo JUSTIN HAYNES Roger Bacon and the Pseudo-Ovidian De vetula TINO LICHT Revisiting the Question of Walahfrid Strabo’s...

  • Volume 31 (2021)

    In memoriam Peter Stotz (1942–2020) ARTICLES JACQUELINE M. BUREK War Worse than Civil: Lucan’s Poetry in Book 4 of William of Malmesbury’s Gesta regum Anglorum JOSEPH RUDOLPH Incipis in multis, in...