Volume 23 (2013)

View abstracts for this issue at Brepols’ website.


Konrad B. Vollmann (1 August1933 – 25 October 2012)
Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann


History and Rhetoric in the Liber Pontificalis of the Twelfth Century
Carmela Vircillo Franklin

The Elegiac Love Poems Versus Eporedienses and De Tribus Puellis and the Ovidian Backdrop
Marek Thue Kretschmer

Gerbert of Aurillac and the Study of Rhetoric in Tenth Century Rheims
Justin Lake

An Edition of an Unstudied Early Carolingian Sermon Collection
Stephen Pelle

Dialectics and Courtly Love: Abelard and Heloise, Andreas Capellanus, and the Carmina Burana
Albrecht Classen

Whose Line is it Anyway? Dialogue with Donatus in Late Antique and Early Medieval Schools
Elizabeth P. Archibald

Affectionate Terms of Address in Twelfth-Century Latin Epistolography: A Comparative Study of the Letters of Bernard of Clairvaux, Peter the Venerable, and Peter of Celle
Julian P. Haseldine

Geography in Walter of Châtillon’s Alexandreis and its Medieval Reception
Alfred Hiatt

The Glosses of Prudentius’s Peristephanon in Leiden Universiteitsbibliotheek, Burmann Quarto 3 (Bur. Q. 3) and their Relationship to a Lost Commentary
John F. Petruccione


Walter Berschin. Mittellateinische Studien II
Ralph J. Hexter

Rolf H. Bremmer and Kees Dekker, eds. Practice in Learning: The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages
Jonathan Herold

Edoardo D’Angelo and Claudio Leonardi, eds. Il Papato e I Normanni, temporale e spirituale in età normanna
Louis I. Hamilton

Heidi Eisenhut. Die Glossen Ekkeharts IV. von St. Gallen im Codex Sangallensis 621
Michael I. Allen

Maurilio Pérez González and Estrella Pérez Rodríguez, eds. Influencias léxicas de otras lenguas en el latín medieval – Influences lexicales d’autres langues sur le latin médiéval – Lexical influences of other languages on medieval latin
Pascale Bourgain

Ritva Maria Jacobsson. Tropes du propre de la messe 5: Fêtes des Saints et de la Croix et de la Transfiguration
Jonathan Black

Declan Anthony Lawell, ed. Thomae Galli Explanatio in Libros Dionysii; Declan Anthony Lawell, ed. Thomae Galli Glose super Angelica Ierarchia
Timothy Budde

Tina Marshall. Late Medieval Liturgical Offices in Acrostic Form: A Catalogue and Study
Kate Helsen

Brent Miles. Heroic Saga and Classical Epic in Medieval Ireland
Joanne Findon

Hideki Nakamura, SJ. “Amor invisibilium”: Die Liebe im Denken Richards von Sankt Viktor (†1173)
Hugh Feiss

Samu Niscanen. The Letter Collections of Anselm of Canterbury
Giles E. M. Gasper

Alessandro Palazzo, ed. L’antichità classica nel pensiero medievale: Atti del convegno della Società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale (S.I.S.P.M.), Trento, 27–29 Settembre 2010
Justin Stover

Martyn Rady and László Veszprémy, ed. and trans. Anonymi Bele regis notarii Gesta Hungarorum; János M. Bak and Martyn Rady, ed. and trans. Magistri Rogerii Epistola in miserabile carmen super destructione regni Hungarie per Tartaros facta
Előd Nemerkényi

Michael Roberts. The Humblest Sparrow: The Poetry of Venantius Fortunatus
Gregory Hays

Mariken Teeuwen and Sinead O’Sullivan, eds. Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella: Ninth-Century Commentary Traditions on ‘De nuptiis’ in Context
Winthrop Wetherbee

Michael Winterbottom and Rodney M. Thomson, eds., with the assistance of Sigbjørn Sønnesyn. Willelmi Meldunensis monachi Liber super explanationem Lamentationum Ieremiae prophetae; Michael Winterbottom, introduction, translation and notes. William of Malmesbury: On Lamentations
Alexander Andrée

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