Volume 6 (1996)
View abstracts for this issue at Brepols’ website.
Anselm of Besate and Humanism in the Eleventh Century
Irven M. Resnick
A Latin Poem on St. Hilda and Whitby Abbey
A.G. Rigg
Boncompagno at the Cutting-edge of Rhetoric: Rhetorical Memoria and the Craft of Memory
Mary Carruthers
Text and Image: “Reading” the Walls of the Sixth-century Cathedral of Tours
Brian Brennan
A Record of Anglo-Saxon Pedagogy: Aldhelm’s Epistola ad Heahfridum and its Gloss
Scott Gwara
Arnulfi Aurelianensis « Glosule de Remediis amoris »
Bruno Roy et Hugues Shooner
Nouvelles données sur la tradition du Liber subtilitatum d’Hildegarde de Bingen
José Carlos Santos Paz
G.B. Conte, Latin Literature: A History, translated by J. Solodow, revised by D. Fowler and G.W. Most
T.D. Barnes
Margaret T. Gibson, The Bible in the Latin West. The Medieval Book 1
Jennifer Morrish Tunberg
A.G. Rigg, A History of Anglo-Latin Literature 1066–1422
Murray McGillivray
Bernhard Pabst, Prosimetrum: Tradition und Wandel einer Literaturform zwischen Spätantike und Spätmittelalter
Charles Witke
De l’homélie au sermon: Histoire de la prédication médiévale. Actes du Colloque international de Louvain-la-Neuve (9-11 juillet 1992)
Penny J. Cole
Abū Ma‘šar, The Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology, together with the Medieval Latin Translation of Adelard of Bath. Edited and translated by Charles Burnett, Keiji Yamamoto and Michio Yano
Ron B. Thomson
Jan M. Ziolkowski, ed. and trans., The Cambridge Songs (Carmina Cantabrigiensia)
Gernot Wieland
Barbarossa in Italy. Translated by Thomas Carson
Michael S. Cichon
Paenitentialia Franciae, Italiae et Hispaniae saeculi VIII–XI. Tomus 1. Paenitentialia minora Franciae et Italiae saeculi VIII–IX. Edited by Raymund Kottje in co-operation with Ludger Körntgen and Ulrike Spengler-Reffgen
Pierre J. Payer
Ioannis Saresberiensis Policraticus IIV, edited by K.S.B. Keats-Rohan
Terence O. Tunberg
Richard Rolle, Emendatio vitae and Orationes ad honorem nominis Ihesu. Edited by Nicholas Watson
Barbara Newman
Emil J. Polak, Medieval and Renaissance Letter Treatises and Form Letters
Martin Camargo
Brian Merrilees and William Edwards, ed. Firmini Verris Dictionarius. Dictionnaire latin-franzçais de Firmin le Ver
A.G. Rigg
Peter Dronke, Verse With Prose From Petronius to Dante: The Art and Scope of the Mixed Form
Joseph Pucci
Corrigenda to David Townsend, The Vita Sancti Edmundi of Henry of Avranches, JMLat. 5 (1995), 101. (original article)