Volume 22 (2012)
View abstracts for this issue at Brepols’ website.
Ferruccio Bertini (1941–2012)
Francesco Stella
Karsten Friis-Jensen (1947–2012)
Karin Margareta Fredborg
Paul Klopsch (1920–2012)
Michele C. Ferrari
Wulfstan’s Commonplace Book Revised: The Structure and Development of “Block 7,” on Pastoral Privilege and Responsibility
Michael D. Elliot
The Authorship and Transmission of De tribus habitaculis animae
Elizabeth Boyle
The Sacred and the Obscure: Greek and the Carolingian Reception of Martianus Capella
Sinéad O’Sullivan
John Scottus and Greek Mythology: Reprising an Ancient Hermeneutic in the Paris Commentary on Martianus Capella
Michael W. Herren
Rhythm and Music: The Sequences of Notker Balbulus
Jonathan Davis-Secord
In Search of Geoffrey of Vinsauf’s Lost “Long Documentum”
Martin Camargo
Words, Wit, and Wordplay in the Latin Works of the Venerable Bede
Tristan Major
Alcuin and the Legatine Capitulary of 786: The Evidence of Scriptural Citations
Bryan Carella
Laon Revisited: Master Anselm and the Creation of a Theological School in the Twelfth Century (A Review Essay)
Alexander Andrée
Cannon, Christopher and Maura Nolan, eds. Medieval Latin and Middle English Literature: Essays in Honour of Jill Mann
Jonathan M. Newman
Carlson, David R. ed., and A. G. Rigg, trans. John Gower. Poems on Contemporary Events: The Visio Anglie (1381) and Cronica tripertita (1400)
Siân Echard
Echard, Siân. The Arthur of Medieval Latin Literature: The Development and Dissemination of the Arthurian Legend in Medieval Latin
Richard Moll
Glaze, Florence Eliza and Brian K. Nance, eds. Between Text and Patient: The Medical Enterprise in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Faith Wallis
Greenblatt, Stephen. The Swerve: How the World Became Modern
Michael W. Herren
Grondeux, Anne, ed. Glosa super Graecismum Eberhardi Bethuniensis – Capitula I–III: De figuris coloribusque rhetoricis
Carla Piccone
Harris, Max. Sacred Folly: A New History of the Feast of Fools
William Robins
Herren, Michael W., ed. and transl. The Cosmography of Aethicus Ister: Edition, Translation and Commentary
Michael Lapidge
Le Briz, Stéphanie and Géraldine Veysseyre, eds. Approches du bilinguisme latin-français au moyen âge: linguistique, codicologie, esthétique
Brian Merrilees
Leonardi, Claudio. Agiografie medievali, ed. Antonella degl’Innocenti and Francesco Santi
Michael Lapidge
Mandreoli, Fabrizio. La teologia della fede nel De Sacramentis Christiane fidei di Ugo di San Vittore
Hugh Feiss
McDonough, Christopher J. ed. Alexandri Neckam Sacerdos ad altare
Rita Copeland
O’Sullivan, Sinéad, ed. Glossae aeui Carolini in libros I–II Martiani Capellae De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii
Andrew Hicks
Warntjes, Immo. The Munich Computus: Text and Translation. Irish Computistics between Isidore of Seville and the Venerable Bede and its Reception in Carolingian Times
Eric Graff
Weber, Stefan. Iren auf dem Kontinent: Das Leben des Marianus Scottus von Regensburg und die Anfänge der irischen ‘Schottenklöster’
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín
Wendling, Fabrice, ed. Hugonis de Miromari De hominis miseria, mundi et inferni contemptu
Michael Winterbottom