Author: Greti Dinkova-Bruun

  • Volume 10 (2000)

    View abstracts for this issue at Brepols’ website. Articles The Hisperica Famina as Literature Andy Orchard The Long or the Short of it? Amplification or Abbreviation? A.G. Rigg Nota Bene:...

  • Volume 9 (1999)

    View abstracts for this issue at Brepols’ website. Obituary: Leonard Eugene Boyle, O.P. 13 November 1923–25 October 1999 Articles The Meditation on Mary Magdalene of Alexander Nequam Thomas H. Bestul...

  • Volume 8 (1998)

    View abstracts for this issue at Brepols’ website. Articles Meatim Sed et Rustica: Ælfric of Eynsham as a Medieval Latin Author Christopher A. Jones Interpreting the Interpretation: The Polysemy of...

  • Volume 7 (1997)

    View abstracts for this issue at Brepols’ website. Obituary: Dag Norberg (1909–1996) Articles More Acrostic Verse by Abbo of Fleury Michael Lapidge and Peter S. Baker De virtutibus imitandis: An...

  • Volume 6 (1996)

    View abstracts for this issue at Brepols’ website. Articles Anselm of Besate and Humanism in the Eleventh Century Irven M. Resnick A Latin Poem on St. Hilda and Whitby Abbey...

  • Volume 5 (1995)

    View abstracts for this issue at Brepols’ website. Articles The Composition and Authorship of the De miraculis Sancti Eadmundi Attributed to “Hermann the Archdeacon” Antonia Gransden The Beast and the...